The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya - 02
I finally got around to watching the second episode - after many accused me of being unfair to judge this on the first episode. And so I watched the second. Twenty two minutes later, I was left with mind numbing drowsiness and robbed of precious time I'll never get back. I was hoping for an improvement - but if I wanted something to put me to sleep I know I'll watch this. I needed an SOS (Brigade) by the end of the episode!

So here we are at the start of episode 2. It's a prelude to episode 1 which people thought I didn't get! Lawl. Anyway, we are introduced (again) to ero-guy who likes his weirdo girls - any girl he sees is instantly beautiful, unless they take no notice of him. Straight away he gawks at Haruhi and his mindless monologues began to get on nerves. The un-natural speed of ero-guy's thoughts was as if he was trying to win a race on how much words he can squeeze in! He had plenty of time to bore me to death, too much time..
Haruhi gets irritated by normal people in her class and ero-guy asks her an unusual amount of questions about aliens, life in general and her hair. Yes we even get to know her hair plans from one week to the next! This should be made into a love-sim, certainly feels like one except ero-guy is an idiot. Enthralling stuff.

Ero-guy talks more about Haruhi, she tries out every club but ends up not joining them. Who would take her anyway? The last club she tries out is the track and field athletics club. All the males starts drooling over the other girls and rates them like objects for sale - eBay style!: A++++++
Back to class and everyone is swapping seats. Class President comes over and asks ero-guy how did he ever manage to get Haruhi to talk so much. Hello? This is a guys anime - ero-guy wants Haruhi, it will be done by episode 12! Haruhi manages sit behind him again. Coincidence? I think not! It was the only way to drive the story forward.

Finally after more monologues and talking - we get some action! Haruhi decides to make up her own club - and after all this time of swapping clubs. She truly is dense. Ero-guy obviously prides on his idea of actually talking to Haruhi and that it made her do something. So they run down after class and take over the literature club - which unrealistically only has one person - the club would have been shut down long ago. The poor girl in here ignores the idiots and continues reading her book, I sense one brain-cell of intelligence! Haruhi declares the room as hers: 'All your bases are belong to ME' and grabs a random girl with MOE potential. Oh it's playboy bunny from the first episode! It's clear that Haruhi only wants her for her big airbags. Yep I knew I was right all along. The title sequence also zooms in on bouncy boobs! This is genius material indeed.

The girl in the corner (Witch in first episode) continues reading once more as Mikuru Playboy-Bunny cries and gets abused by Haruhi's mad ambitions. So what exacly is this club of Haruhi's Ero-guy wonders after wiping up some drool. The S.O.S Brigade has come to life! Haruhi, Ero-Guy, Mikuru, b00k w0rm are all members as they wonder what they are going to do next with an insane MOE fangirl. I have come to a conclusion that this anime is 4-chan material but it's not made out of win. It FAILS.

Now I realise I will get flamed for this, but I'm not holding back on an anime which I find to be utter crap. If you wish to make comments go ahead, but everyone has their own opinions at the end of the day.
The monologues, the story progression and a scary amount of details that only a fanboy would find interesting is not enough for me. The character themselves are one-dimensional and bland although some will think I'm missing out on it's 'genius'. A guy and a girl in a school creating a home-made movie is genius? No. Is making fun of other anime genius? Only when it's funny - which this isn't. Will I watch the third episode? Now that's a joke! ;)
Overall: 3/10
Straight back to the crap pile!!
I remember someone. He isn't an otaku so anime must be something which is not common for him. He didn't like Mai Otome( well I can understand lol ), Elfen Lied, and other... He is more a casual watcher.
And I will say that in one way, you are like him.
9:15 pm
It's brave of you to assert that an anime is crap because you don't like it. And by "brave", I mean "judgemental and stupid."
Haruhi may not be for everyone, but it is good. If you were trying to be controversial, you should have burned a flag or something.
9:51 pm
You remind me of someone who utterly condemned Star Wars ep 1 cos Jar Jar Binks was not funny enough.
9:56 pm
I knew that someone would come along to defend Haruhi.
Yes some will like it, but I'm not blogging only to say i liked it - when I don't.
"judgemental and stupid."
That's how you come across to me as well, by not accepting critism.
"you should have burned a flag or something."
But I'm talking about anime dear, not politics. ;)
"You remind me of someone who utterly condemned Star Wars ep 1 cos Jar Jar Binks was not funny enough."
I thought Star Wars ep 1 was ok, even if I didn't like Jar Jar Binks. The rest of it made up for it - in Haruhi's is all crap. :P
10:03 pm
Well, nothing wrong with disliking something everyone else loves.
Just like how I thought Kingdom Hearts was way overly blown out of proportion when it was a mediocre game at best. Got flamed like mad "OMG, KH2 >>>>>> SUIKODEN 5" "zomg, ur lik a total noob, KH2 is so kool." "It deserves like a 12/10."
My favourite "you cant spell ignnorance with IGN." when IGN gave the score <--I loled
So point is I know how it feels to be raped by rabid fanboys, though I love this show. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
12:10 am
I don't know, your post looked more like an attempt to be different than honest - that you dislike the anime just because everyone else likes it. I'm probably wrong, but your review was...not that great (I don't care what you think about the anime, it's just that all the points you use to justify your hating of the show aren't that great...pretty weak actually).
The biggest problem of your review is that you seem to believe that everything, the characters, situations, everything, should be grounded firmly on reality. So what if the guy's thoughts go super fast? So what if the girl's boobs are unnaturally bouncy? So what if we get to "know her hair plans"? And so what if by coincidence Haruhi sits next to "ero guy?" Loosen that grip a little and SUSPEND YOUR DISBELIEF for a second. Things are supposed to be exaggerated. That's why it's funny. If you want credibility, point out why something's unfunny other than that they're not realistic enough.
You don't seem to realize that the simple chemistry between the four characters will obviously offer some really creative and funny explanations. If you do and still hate it, you FAIL to say why. Like I said, I don't care if you don't like the things I or other people do. Just be able to justify your reasons better.
-General Suburbia
12:35 am
It's reasonable to not like the narrator style. Some people like it, while others are more attracted to the dialogue only interaction.
What I don't get is why you keep calling Kyon ero-guy...
Thinking someone is beautiful doesn't make one ero. It's not like he immediately had the hots for them, and had all sorts of kinky thoughts.
He just stated it and that was that. No blushing, no peeping, no touching, nothing.
He was intrigued by her behaviour, but there were no hints that he simply wanted to get laid.
In ep1, it merely seemed like he didn't like Itsuki being too close with Mikuru.
Also, it's the director (haruhi) that calls the shots on who/what to zoom in on. Haruhi's behaviour in ep2, gives episode1 an extra new dimension imo.
This show uses quite a lot of subtle irony, and I kinda like it.
Several hints point towards a plot that is still hidden.
I also quite like the level of detail, and the in my opinion pretty incredible animation.
To be honest though, from both blogs on this show, I get the feeling you were biased against it before you even started watching, and merely blogged it for the sake of blogging against it.
Did you just randomly pick it up, or did you read stuff elsewhere before you watched it?
Anyway, you gave RAY the Animation a pretty high score. I haven't watched it, but I think I'll give it a go.
It could be good, it could be complete crap. Can't judge until I've watched it.
Haven't read any of your other blogs. If RAY turns out to be complete crap, I prolly won't bother reading any other, since our opinions would be polar opposites.
Either way, have fun stating your opinions. You seem to like it so much you even mentioned it clearly in the "about me" section. I just hope you aren't stating it for the sake of stating it, since that will end up only working against you.
1:00 am
Some interesting points raised.
I'm not disliking Haruhi on purpose, I had no idea what it was about before I blogged it. Infact, I was one of the first that did and I didn't realise what an outcry my posts would cause. This is my genuine opinion, I do watch everything I blog. To be honest, I don't look at other blogs that much. I prefer to watch something so I know exactly what I will write.
Now to answer some comments:
"So what if the guy's thoughts go super fast? So what if the girl's boobs are unnaturally bouncy? So what if we get to "know her hair plans"? And so what if by coincidence Haruhi sits next to "ero guy?" Loosen that grip a little and SUSPEND YOUR DISBELIEF for a second."
I didn't like it because it plays out like a love-sim. I want to watch an anime not know about useless facts about Haruhi. She isn't an interesting character to start off with. :P
"Either way, have fun stating your opinions. You seem to like it so much you even mentioned it clearly in the "about me" section. I just hope you aren't stating it for the sake of stating it, since that will end up only working against you."
I thought the whole point of a blog was to state your opinions? My opinions are neither right or wrong - same goes with everyone else.
"So point is I know how it feels to be raped by rabid fanboys, though I love this show. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion."
Thank you! I know that not everyone understands, but we can't help the way we feel. :)
11:33 am
Is it true that episode 1 was a aprils fools joke!?
LOL - I really fell for it.
Its a good anime IMHO, something new, different then the usual and very much enjoyable.
1:37 pm
Ooooook, so clearly u arent getting laid a lot and ur dildo must be out of batteries. Just considering that u know all about sim-games and ur f'ed up attitude. I agree with the post that said u say that u dont like it just to be different.
To the anime : The first ep made me lol, cuz it took me like 10 secs to get that its a parody. I liked the monologues and the parody scenes. But still it wasnt the best ive seen. Now when i saw ep2 I rly loled, that was pure as u say WIN.
Now I know u called her me-jiggles ow w/e cuz u were just jelous that she has big (I bet u do 2, urs just WEIGHT more) boobs, the sim-magican-girl cuz u dont want ppl to know uve played every singe 1 of em, but WHY THE F do u call him Ero? He EVEN actually said "news to me" when Haruhi said big boos + loli = WIN. And he didnt wanna touch her boobs which most of us know we would have. So nvm ur opinion, ur reeies suck cuz u have WAY 2 much opinion in them. More of a flame then rewiev. In a rewiev, u would say whats its about etc etc and then say u didnt like it. So u FAIL bee-otch
5:41 pm
WEIGHT = ur fat, otaku (live more, stop this site, ur not good at it) just incase u didnt get the "joke"
Go watch High school girls, maybe ull like that more
5:45 pm
"Ooooook, so clearly u arent getting laid a lot and ur dildo must be out of batteries."
That comment made me lol as it has no revelance whatsoever to this blog or review.
"Now I know u called her me-jiggles ow w/e cuz u were just jelous that she has big (I bet u do 2, urs just WEIGHT more) boobs, the sim-magican-girl cuz u dont want ppl to know uve played every singe 1 of em, but WHY THE F do u call him Ero?"
Hahaha. I can call the characters whatever I like. It's getting reviewed - they are not REAL. Why yes I have played a few sim games, Tokimeki Memorial: Girls Side is my favourite. ;)
"So nvm ur opinion, ur reeies suck cuz u have WAY 2 much opinion in them. More of a flame then rewiev. In a rewiev, u would say whats its about etc etc and then say u didnt like it. So u FAIL bee-otch"
LOL. This just shows your stupidity. Enough said. I'll leave your comment on so I can have a good laugh. :D
Oh I almost forgot this one:
"WEIGHT = ur fat, otaku (live more, stop this site, ur not good at it) just incase u didnt get the "joke"
Go watch High school girls, maybe ull like that more"
I have no desire to watch High School Girls and I'm not going to close down this blog. :P
Attacking me personally is just really sad. Especially over an anime and that you don't know me.
PS. Use a dictionary - it does the world of good. :D
6:59 pm
Man I rly love ur smileys, u put them everywhere, after every sentence u say that isnt funny at all, u put a smiley there. Makes ur "arguments" rly stronger, suddenly I feel like I wanna laugh at those ppl ur talkin about. Some1 should make a rewiev about u "my dear", THAT I would rate 11/10
7:14 pm
Ok... I reverse judgement... this is the worst blog ever. BTW: Are getting this subbed? Its obvious from your review that you are greatly misinterpreting the dialogue and story.
Oh well... not my fault if you want to make an ass of yourself.
12:26 am
sheesh you guys are pickin on this blogger...
but you know you shouldnt have an anime blog if you're going to be judgementally negative about the anime since almost 50%+ of all newer anime have similar fanfare. you're practically waging a war against the future development of japanese animation! which in any case, you might as well go watch the disney channel.
btw. i bet you also hate the emo rangers, emo music, and all emo teeny boppers alike. =)
5:15 am
Neutrality is your friend.
I believe that it is okay to voice your opinion or to call out others for their improper use of the English language. However, it’s hypocritical to utilize such an insult when your own posts are riddled with spelling mistakes and grammatical errors. :D
That aside, I would like to bring up various points about the two sides of this ongoing "conflict". On one hand we have what some will see as an attention grabbing blogger who stirs the pot of controversy in the face of fanboyism. Conversely we have crazed fanboys who deliberately and mindlessly defend an anime with little logical reason. In this situation as with many, no particular side is "in the right" and no particular side is "completely wrong". That being said, both sides carry several glaring errors in their critique; whether it be personal, archetypal or anime-related.
Fanboys, and senseless purveyors of personal attacks. Apparently you have nothing better to do with your time then to browse the various blogs of the Web until you find something that piques your interest. If you are truly as you say "Otakus", then your time is better spent watching the numerous series that exist within the anime continuum. For the average viewer who also appears to have time to browse these various blogs (I am well aware that this blog tops the Google search for "The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Blog"), I suggest formulating succinct and relevant arguments. If you believe this person is an illiterate, attention whore (Personally not my opinion to make, and not my opinion to give :D) then it might be better not to make an ass of yourself with
Shameless personal attacks.
In regards to the blogger, I believe that you are entitled to your personal opinion. However, you make a choice when you choose the manner in which you voice your opinion. You choose whether to be a neutral yet informative blog that will most likely generate far less popularity than this one has seemingly generated, but you will generally earn the respect of your peers or whether to be a controversial and biased blog which will undoubtedly generate a large following for better or for worse. As another popular anime blog has stated: "Creating controversy is a good way of generating hits", I believe that you have undoubtedly chosen the aforementioned path. If this is so, my following comments critiquing your critique (Pun aside) will hold little relevancy. None the less, I intend to post them because I believe that they are important to lending neutrality to this argument.
You state that the male narrator is an ero-character. This comment, without a doubt, will generate initial bias for the reader. Vaguely you are equating him to an in-heat male who is essentially looking for the first thing to "mate" with. Thus this summation is taken from your initial critique of the first episode. However it should be noted that the male narrator has no control of these shenanigans and is merely an agent of the female protagonist Suzumiya Haruhi. Thus him being the manipulator of these events is false and only serves as incendiary
Bias. Furthermore, this anime has no pretense of seriousness, or for that case maturity. It presents itself as it is. Much like Mai Otome (Overall Mediocrity Aside) presented itself as a "Moe" anime, "The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya" is one that promises general insanity interlaced with the occasional, although not unintentional, shots of fanservice.
That being stated, the lines of bias you seemed to have drawn with senseless mindless fanservice conflict with your rating of Mai Otome. Now that aside, (Pardon for the constant use of that aside and statements that carry a similar tone) you seem to include large statements of bias in your summary.
I'll agree whole heartedly, but neutrally, that this anime is not the greatest anime ever, but it has its positives. If you are comparing it to the great works in the industry it obviously falls short (for the upcoming non-sensical plot and characters) and the overall length (14 episodes). However compared to the spring releases and the 2005 winter releases, this anime is surely one of the better ones. It definitely has some problems (narrator driven plot line creates a sense of boredom etc. etc.) but it is not as you say "crap".
Thus, with all said and done, both sides should see how neutrality is the best, and how I have a little too much time on my hands. I just needed to blow off a little steam before my finals, so thus remember that neutrality is your friend.
8:07 am
WOW... the above post is a mind boggler O.o
Really interesting and shows many faults on both sides of the arguments. I believe that the above post should somewhat stop this mad discussion, hopefully.
Although, i kinda did enjoy reading all the posts... it really was humourous :D
Thank you everyone for the laughs ;)
8:40 am
I think the reason for the flames is because you only say why you don't like it and not mention other aspects of the anime which can appeal to different people...
Er...What I mean is...
Reviews talk about the reviewers opinion but also they add in "who might like it" etc...
Sure you're trying to be "unique"...but without the extra "flexible" side in a review, it isn't really a review and just ventage...which would leer flamers.
Eh *shrugs* I never watched this anime o_o
I kind of skimmed your posts and the comments so I'm sorry if I'm misunderstanding something XD; (It was so long...)
10:44 am
In my opinion, I thought this anime was one of the greatest things since sliced bread (okayokay, a little exagerrated, but you know what I mean). It was hilarious and I eagerly look forward to the next episode.
1:16 am
Holy mother of invention. It's the rape of fan-king. o.o
Reviews are MEANT to be critical. She even says in her profile that she's stating her opinion. Did any of you ever have those "fact vs opinion" flashcards in school? There's no widely agreed-upon criteria for what a good anime is supposed to be, so it's implied that any attempts to state the quality of one are going to be opinions. Her saying, "Oh, but this is jus' my opinion" every three lines isn't going to do anything other than become repetative and make her blog impossible to read.
Her opinion is no more of a definative fact than yours is. Haruhi obviously didn't live up to her standards, so she stated that. By your standards and criteria it might make you feel all warm and erect and love-off-your-mommy bouncy inside, but that doesn't make it any less crap to her. Yes, she can be brave enough to state that, and if you're taking a statement like that from ANYONE as anything other than "You just don't like it" then there's something wrong with you.
Arguing why you liked the anime is just fine and peachy. The fact that she's still responding to comments probably shows she agrees with me :P, but angrily accusing her of being a bad bad blogger and threatening never to read her blog again just sounds like sour grapes to me. Did you need her permission to enjoy this anime?
Either way, I wasn't even going to watch this one. I was turned off at comedy, but now I'm downloading the first episode as I type. I might even like it. I'm not all that critical.
... And I've never been particularly good at cryptic commenting, teehee.
5:17 am
just a heads up. This anime was based on a series of books, not a h-game, so i still can't see why you keep calling Kyon ero-guy.
6:29 pm
In regards to the most recent comment: I'm not saying that Kyon is an ero-guy but it does not have to be based on an H-game for a certain character to be ero in nature. Ero is a generally accepted term for that denoting sexuality. Thus despite the debatable nature of the comment, there is little importance on whether the anime itself is born from an H-game or not.
4:53 am
Remember one of the fallacies of making an argument
Ad hominem: known as attacking the arguer and not the argument.
Remember this and keep it civil
5:02 am
Oookay! I think some of you people need to relax (and learn to type =)). You have your own opinion, and based on the first few episodes, you think the show sucks. It's a posibility, and having not watched it I can't make a statement on your review, but I think you should give it another try, some shows seem to suck in the beginning but get better.
and for you ignorant commenters, it'sone thing to foolishly reject one's opinion, but it's stupid to do it, and make yourself look as arrogant as you make someone else to be (a la: "It's brave of you to assert that an anime is crap because you don't like it. And by "brave", I mean "judgemental and stupid."")
11:51 am
hello there! annoymous y cant u leave your name? scared r we? u need to get a grip! and stop talkin pure shit! and yes it is crraaap lots of luv dames
1:41 pm
>>hello there! annoymous y cant u leave your name? scared r we? u need to get a grip! and stop talkin pure shit! and yes it is crraaap lots of luv dames >>
lmao. i dont kno if this guy is doing it on purpose but tat's gotta be the most hypocritical comment of the year.
anyway, for those of you who are attacking the so-called "fanboys", realize that the vast majority of the so-called "flames" in this blog attack not this blogger as a person nor her opinion simply because the "flamer" disagreed with it, but it was more of how she presented her review. This is perfectly appropriate and legitimate criticism.
and i will respond to the blogger's previous accusation of me (on the previous review of Haruhi) not knowing how to spell "you". Thank you very much, but remember that we are on the internet, and all we need to be is understandable, rather than formal. that aside, one really should not point out spelling/grammar mistakes of others if s/he makes them him/herself.
1:55 am
Well, I for one welcome our new Haruhi OverMistress....
4:29 pm
Well, I for one welcome our new Haruhi OverMistress....
4:30 pm
ero-guy? ug... It's obvious most of the posters here... and the blogger... don't know anything about this show. I'd say read the novels... but that would be a spoiler. The show could have done a better job of grabbing people that weren't already fans of the novel.
At any rate, I am a fan of the novels, and I think this anime rocks. Wait a couple months and watch the whole thing when its done broadcasting. If it goes by the novels, then the whole thing should keep getting MUCH better.
8:58 pm
Avoiding doing what most people seem to be doing here (posting "You suck! Everyone who posts as 'anonymous' sucks!" before posting as 'anonymous' themselves) I'll just add my two cents worth.
I found this ep to be pretty funny. Sure, it's another high school comedy but there's more deadpan banter and less fan service than the review suggests and I enjoyed it for that reason. We actually meet the characters properly this time, there's some semblance of a plot and it takes on some direction. I can't see where the 'dating sim' comparison came from (I can think of a lot of shows that are worse for that), nor can I see why it's 'fanboy' material (whatever that means).
At the end ofthe day, it's just a TV show. This is just a blog about TV shows. Blogs are supposed to be places for the blogger to air their personal views - nobody's forcing you us read it (setting up your own is easy enough). The blogger is well within his/her rights to be as scathing as he/she wants; I just happen to disagree with her!
Besides, comedy is probably the most subjective genre of them all and as such is most likely to polarise opinion.
12:01 am
I think it's a hillarious, relatively fresh series (yes I know
high school bishoujo animes are common) in the genre of FLCL, Naruto, Exel Saga and Dokuro-Chan. Episode one was a bit weird, I had to rewatch it once to really figure out what was going on, but two was a neat intro. The series shows promise, I only hope it doesn't peter out the way many series just run dry as scriptwriters run out of ideas, or become lewdity fests.
Yes it's not Dostoyevsky, but in the league of kawaii shoujo enternatinment, this series really delivers. If you enjoy the likes of the above mentioned anime, and others like Canvas2, ToHeart2, Lamune, Magikano, Mai Otome and Shuffle, you'll really enjoy this series. Solid characters, intriguing storyline, sparsity of panty-shots so far, and of course really great OVA-quality animation. Funnily enough I did not feel this guy was an ero-guy at all, neither was the hair thing an dating-sim throwback, it gave us an insight into a rather complicated character that Haruhi is, and personally I really love her behaviour and her design especially that mischievous smile.
I give it an 8/10 and will definately buy the R1 DVDs when they come out. S.
2:11 am
I should mention also that the slow pace that may have induced the somnolescene in you, is something quite fashionable for many anime and Japanese TV shows. Slow is good for the Japanese I guess. This comes from someone who watched RING The Final Chapter - 13 parts Fuji TV series which has virtually the same content as the RING movie, you can imagine how slowly that story unfolded, and the Cannes award winning EUREKA (Japanese live action film). They like it slow (it has nothing to do with Zen Buddhism either) and well it seems to suit me too. Of course not everyone likes it slow, and I'll be througly disappointed if this satire anime ceases it's intriguing plotline.
Great commentary ^_^
2:31 am
Somehow i get the feeling that you try to be different in the sake of being different, or in other words, to get some attention. And i guess you got it...
But it's only what i picked up from your review and comments, so who
knows? ;)
And not that it really matters... Everyone is entitled to express their opinion.
IMOH, i think you should give the show another chance, i found it quite refreshing...
And on another note, your review made me wonder what do you have to say about monty python...
Have a nice say :)
8:36 pm
i thought i was the only one who couldnt stand this show.
11:50 am
Refreshingly Idiotic more like it. Not that I'm complaining. Ignorant pseudo-intellectuals are far more entertaining than people give them credit for! Never be discouraged by others comments, keep doing what you're doing, because without people like you, there'd be no one to look down on!
2:54 am
hi im new here, kool my names anonymous kakakaka
4:02 am
Though I compleatly dissagree with this Review and what the writer thinks of it- I'm not going to scream "OMG U SUCK HARUHI IS TEH BEST EVA!1!"
Instead, I'm going to compare this to when I gave Halo 2 a 1/10 on GameFAQs. I've had my share of flaming. ^_^
The point is that you shouldn't complain about one's opinoins.
However, I will say that if you go into a Anime expecting crap and deliberatly looking for things to rank it down for, you won't enjoy most anything.
6:32 am
I'm tooo0 lazy to create a name just to post here.
I find the review quite biased and noobish...
ero-guy = kyon - yeah right... he's possibly one of the most realistic/human characters in most animes.
about episode 1 being crappy - it was meant to be crappy dammit
and you just watched 2 episodes, in which you get wrong interpretations about the stuff... you seem to already think that this is a ecchi oriented crapy series. you're dead wrong...
I find this series cool,character design was good and its sense of humor always makes me laugh.
3:40 am
(1) Trying to cover up for your fumble with Episode 1 saying that you really can't like the show.
(2) Newayz if this really was a parody it fails on many levels but mostly for being entirely incoherent. (And if each point is considered individually, entirely shallow.) Apparently everyone's missing your point because apparently you haven't got one. YOu can't make a decent parody if you can't communicate why you hate something.
11:36 am
Everyone is entitled to an opinion, of course. So your opinion is that it sucks and my opinion is that your opinion sucks. Doesn't bother me. However, I do wish you would stop sporting that "Refreshingly honest" tag from your blog - it would seem to be more along the lines of "annoyingly honest". Much like a strange hobo attending a school play and screaming at the child actors about their terrible performances is annoyingly honest.
2:25 am
I sure hope you didn't stop at ep 2!
When I watched ep 1, I had the same reaction as you did. "It's sooo bad!!! Is this for real?!?!?!" Ep 2 and 3, were pretty tough to get through too.
Don't want to give anything away but it does really get better later on!
8:58 am
i liked it so much that i would rather you watch all 14 eps and hate it than stop here.
Based on your blog, it seems that you will have trouble liking almost anything. Even if it has the same stuff as other anime (but it has a lot more), it would be the same as other anime. (See comment about having bad reasons for not liking it.)
And you probably can't like it anymore because of your bad first impressions. It's sad to see a good anime go that way.
It's always interesting that people have so different tastes. You thought the hair thing was useless information. I thought it was one of the GREATEST things in the episode. It probably has something to do with differing life experiences.
3:46 pm
(double post)
oh yeah u said it's like a love sim. When i read that I thought no way it's like a love sim. "ero-guy"'s always going on about his dislike for all things haruhi. And haruhi's plain indifferent. What i was thinking was actually along the lines of "i wanna hear stories of her encounters with aliens, time travellers and espers". Your line of thought was just completely off track (but nobody can make u think a certain way)
3:58 pm
"She isn't an interesting character to start off with." - I'd say she was interesting if she has no regard for mere human beings
"any girl he sees is instantly beautiful, unless they take no notice of him." - Nobody ever takes any notice of him. And you're saying any girl, which is 2 girls in the whole school?
"The un-natural speed of ero-guy's thoughts" - It wasn't fast. People usually think faster than they can speak anyway.
"an unusual amount of questions about aliens, life in general and her hair." - When the other person is replying with one word answers, Kyon just says what's on his mind. "Unusual" can mean anything; who's to say what is "usual"?
Chatting about this stuff is boring? Every part of an anime doesn't have to be interesting. In fact, almost everything has mostly boring parts. But i didn't find it boring. It was like "oh hey that's cool, changing your hair like that. I should try it".
"she tries out every club but ends up not joining them." - You say it like it's normal. That everyone would do that. It's not normal, and therefore interesting.
"All the males starts drooling over the other girls and rates them like objects for sale - eBay style!" - you haven't seen it done before? Using A+ i think is more Japanese style. Remember that this is a Japanese school, not where you live. And the guy is an individual person, with different ways of doing things.
"Haruhi manages sit behind him again. Coincidence?" - why would they explicitly point out that it was a coincidence? Aside from that, you're meant to be focussing on Kyon's frustration of having haruhi sit there.
"She truly is dense." - She was seeing if any other clubs suited her. Even if you know what the club is, you don't know what the people are like in those clubs.
"Ero-guy obviously prides on his idea of actually talking to Haruhi and that it made her do something." - Total opposite. And he's forced into it now
"which unrealistically only has one person" - did you listen to what haruhi said about the members? I don't know where u come from, but in my experiences, there are usually clubs around on the border of extinction. And they take a while to be shut down because usually there's a group of students who join just because they'll have a whole clubroom to themselves which is nice. (they're also at least mildly interested too)
"Yep I knew I was right all along." - the fact that she actually says why she brought mikuru nullifies your criticism of bringing in a girl just because she has "MOE potential".
"I have come to a conclusion that this anime is 4-chan material but it's not made out of win." - I don't know what is on 4-chan and where "win" comes from, but just letting you know there is almost no fanservice in this anime and it is definitely not harem. It is hardly about relationships either. What is it about then? It is certainly about something, but i'll let you watch to find out.
"The monologues, the story progression and a scary amount of details that only a fanboy would find interesting" - the monologue makes it unique. Story progression: you are completely wrong about the story. NOT DATING SIM. Details: i guess you aren't the kind of person to wonder about useless things like "it feels like a friday today, but it's wednesday. I wonder if i would be able to tell if i was dropped on a random day in time."
"The character themselves are one-dimensional and bland" - NOT DATING SIM. Their characters are actually much fuller than found elsewhere due to those details "that only a fanboy would find interesting".
"A guy and a girl in a school creating a home-made movie is genius?" - Well the anime is nothing about making movies if you don't mind me spoiling. But it's in the novels. And it's not just any movie as you see when they're making it. But i think episode one was more for people who have already read the novels.
For the above reasons, i believe you are mistaken.
4:59 pm
What a sad narrow world you must live in. Are you even capable of enjoying anything? You have to be the most bitter jaded person on planet Earth. You couldn't review your way out of a paper sack! You hate everything! Refreshingly Honest, not even close.
8:39 pm
As i read the seemingly endless chains of flames in the blog, i just think that they are just suggesting to you, in a radical manner, to try looking on others point of view, examining their points, and then re assessing your claims which is your own notion about the said anime and nobody has the right to change it.
Now, the series "The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya" is presented in a unique manner, different from the stereotype of the long list of past series, if you have noticed. Much of the details shown in the first episodes can't be truly appreciated if you're not watching until episode 10+ or so. This is because stories are cut and retold at different episodes. Like for example on Episode 6 is part one and then the part two was continued on Episode 8. The whole series itself is chronologically altered so Episode 1 will most likely wont make any sense at all until you have watched Episode 12. True, I also did find it sucky and almost want to stop watching. But nevertheless I continued and enjoyed. And trust me, no matter how badly it is done you'll find Episode 0 or Episode 1 (w/e it is) very entertaining once you watch it again.
Overall, my point is that I would like you to give the series another chance, try watching everything, and then review it again, as it is not one of "those" animes. I am pretty much confident that you'll have another better opinion. Also, the title pretty much makes sense ^_^. And did you not find the ending theme very... uhh... FUN?
4:54 pm
Uh. I'm sorry. I stumbled upon this page of your blog (actually, your first take on Haruhi Suzumiya) really late ^^' but I can't help myself and feel like I need to comment.
There's already so many people who've probably said some of my points but...
You see, I think that you've watched the second episode of Haruhi with hatred o_O (or something like that) that blinded your reasoning. Maybe you can watch it after a year or so... because it'd be shame to pass on this anime.
I personally think Haruhi Suzumiya is a fine anime. ^^ It may not be as funny and "entertaining" as Ouran but, really, it's one of the most interesting anime I've seen (and I believe I've seen too many already). Maybe it'd take a much deeper thinking (but probably not as much as what NGE required its viewers), or may a new way of perceiving things. Anyway, I think you're old enough to understand (and eventually appreciate? hopefully) the anime if only you'd open up your mind ^^'
Anyway, this comment is not meant to offend you.
2:41 pm
It's funny you should mention he'll proberbly get her by episode 12, because he doesn't.
*SPOILER* He only get's to kiss Haruhi in the final episode, episode 14 (in an alternate dimension), and even then she said that last night she had a nightmare. Episode 12 is the best episode in the series because one scene is Haruhi singing a very popular J-rock song in a well animated video.
I myself love TMHS, and I don't agree with, well, everything you said, but you're entitled to your own opinion. But just so you know the context of everything that happens in the anime, here is a brief rundown *SPOILER* :
-Itsuki is an esper.
-Mikiru is a time traveller.
-Nagoto is an alien.
(The homebrew video is supposed to be one big obscure reference to what they really are)
-Haruhi is God (in a sense, she more or less created the universe with her desires. The desire of meeting wierd people brought the SOS brigade together, and if she wanted to she could dump the whole world and start anew [episode 14]. She doesn't know she can do this mind you)
-Kyon is normal (suprise suprise).
-The episode isn't in chronological order. It'll randomly skip to the past, present and future, leaving many cliff hangers and being utterly confusing, yet appealing to people who love cliffhangers.
So, yeah, I just saved you the trouble of watching the rest of the series (14 episodes in total). Although I do recommend looking up episode 12's performance on YouTube (search for "Haruhi Sings").
1:44 pm
(i'm the guy that made the above post with the spoilers to the whole series)
The reason why Kyon talks alot in his mind is because naturally a human can think up to 10 times faster then they can talk, leaving plenty of time for Kyon to mentally babble about everything which confuses him. ^^"
1:45 pm
I have to agree. For the first few episodes it does seem to be bland but after that it starts to pick up.
7:54 am
Flat out! I wouldn't call you a True Anime Fan.. With this low review rating you gave. Who gives you the right to say "this is crap"?
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
Is one the top of the line Animes out there...
You must lost a screw or some thing? Because you don't understand true good works...
8:13 am
The next time you review an anime, bring some objectivity to the table please. Oh, and watching it from the beginning till the end wouldn't hurt your argument either. This isn't a one-man (sorry, one-woman?) mission to trash an original piece of work because someone missed the point in the first episode is it?
3:54 pm
I'm just going to say one thing: I've seen the season through, and I'm going to spoil it a tiny bit by saying that no two characters ever date.
1:02 am
Also, I get the feeling that the outcry comes less from panning the anime than basically calling anyone who liked it a /b/tard. (I can't believe I'm using that word...)
10:17 pm
Your reviews are really good, you should just consider watching an entire Anime before being so harsh. You didn't mention anything about the animation, which I know for sure... is brilliant.
Keep your general too-cool-for-me style up, just don't let this Blog turn into one of those dick head Blogs where every Anime is just slagged to death for you to feel humorous and smart.
3:13 am
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