Gokujou Seitokai - 25
This is the episode where EVERYTHING HAPPENS. That's right! Fighting, revelations, telepathic powers and a bunch of characters who were so forgettable that the writers decided to throw them all back in for a cameo role! All while Kanade sips tea in her leisurely mansion - thinking of how to come out of that closet. Let the drama begin!

Picking up from the previous episode, the Gokujou gang (minus the heavenly Kuon) arrive via the yellow tart cart at the Jinguuji mansion. Nanaho and Seina make up the forefront of devising a cunning plan as everyone else mourns thinks about Kanade and how they were all gay for her. Truly a most angsty scene before we get some action, finally! They pair up into their couples..I mean groups and attack the mansion Gokujou style!

Sayuri and Rein are first up as the ambigious gay duo! They beat up some Jinguuji bodyguards with their trademark 'moves' until a bunch of nobodies burst in onto the scene. They are: the Boy Brigade from the episode 2, the girl rivals, the chefs, the photography club, the sports rivals, the curry woman, Cindy's mother and the ever all present teachers! They are all drawn to Kanade's powers it seems! Spread that love! And speaking of love, Sayuri tells Rein how important she is to her - am I sensing some paya-paya? ;)
Meanwhile, the rest of the Scooby gang delve deep into the underground which not even Nanaho knew about - but Seina did! REVELATION 1: Seina proclaims she is of Jinguuji blood but since she has no powers, she had to change her second name. Same with her little sister Minamo. Who knew? I always thought Seina was on the dark side but alas she seems to have redeemed herself! Kanpai! But this is no time for chit chat, more Jinguuji men in black want some hot loli.

As the group split up again, Cindy reveals her true nature! REVELATION 2: Cindy can speak Nihongo-desu just fine! Seems like her mother kept telling her she was wrong. No Cindy, turn back - I miss your Engrish! Pretty much afterwards Landlady attacts the attention of some men via her loli charms, but Landlady HAETS PERVS - REVELATION 3: Landlady knows more fighting moves than Rino and Kanade combined! Elementary schoolgirls ala Kill Bill style is made out of win!
The Kaori and Nanaho team are in trouble until... *drumroll* the ever almighty, extremely beautiful and all wise Kuon (!!!) arrives just in time to save them. She makes up some excuse for seeing Nanaho again and Nanaho wins for most dense question ever: "So you came back to see Kanade, Kuon?" Yeah - she really wanted some *wink wink* paya-paya with her too!

Meanwhile Kanade in comfort with her bodyguard is sensing something is wrong. She desperately tries to contact Rino, because using her powers means she will have no freedom!
It's all in vain as Rino unleashes her Puu-chan powers infront of a group of bodyguards! Puppets with powers are tres cool. Kanade rushes past all the guards and goes all gay over Rino. REVELATION 4: Rino's powers are her incredible shout ability and puppet. Kanade's powers are even better, she can telepathically communicate with anyone she loves. Hence the whole Gokujou group running into the building and declaring their love for her! Kanade has it going on! ;D

It was almost a gay confession there (!) and sadly the episode ends with just one more to go. But the fact that they used up most of the revelations means there are hardly going to be any in the final episode. As long as they make it as dramatic, angsty, sentimental and utterly gay as this one - I can't see how it can fail! Hopefully they will resolve up all the loose ends and explain about the mysterious evil sect that is Jinguuji!
Overall: 8.5/10
One can never have enough Kuon!
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