Refreshingly Honest.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Gokujou Seitokai - 24

Two episodes away from the finale and the script writers finally put some effort into the story! Unlike the previous escapdes with the Gokujou gang, this episode is nearly devoid of all humour, filler and worst of all - KUON. The revelations come thick and fast as President Kanade nearly topples over with all the stress. Looking after a school consisting of rabid fangirls and lesbians certainly takes it's toll.

If you was a boy, things could have been different!

Nanaho and President declare their love for each other but Kanade won't have any of it. Why have Nanaho, when she can have the whole school to herself? Oh and there's that little thing - Kanede's grandfather dies from lesbianitus leaving his grandaughter to be in charge of the household. Needless to say, Kanade's not a happy rampant rabbit.

Rino is enough to put anyone on their death bed.

While the rest of the cast are busy dealing with the yearly sports day, Kanade receives a letter to a Mr. Poppit. As if we didn't know already, Mr. Poppit was infront of Rino the whole time! No wonder Rino is so confused. ;) President Kanade remembers the promise she made to Rino's mother if she died. It was to look after Rino at all times, because she is of the same blood line and more importantly - has uber 1337 powers. The plot and incestious hints thickens!

My secret power? It's to make everyone gay for me of course!

Kanade likes hogging this episode! The angst continues! She attends her grandfather's funeral and announces a revelation to everyone. Sadly, she wasn't coming out of the closet to the crowd during the sports day festival, but rather chickening out and running back to her family household. She's dumping the school onto Nanaho! - She'll be back! Everyone is in shock and Kuon (!!!) appears declaring she's quitting too (x2!!!). She hands over a love letter (resignation) to Kotoha - but it's not for her - it's for Nanaho!


As conspiracy rumours fly around, the scooby gang decide to hitch a ride for Kanade on the tart cart! They all leave without the majestic beauty that is Kuon, but of course she'll appear in the next episode to give one last flirt (or two) with Nanaho. Everyone had the same idea it seems! Girl x Girl power wins for another day.

Kuon is stunned how gay this episode really was.

Gokujou shows it can do a good drama just like the rest of them and it needed to! As they say -too much filler spoils the Bleach. ;D A great angsty and heartfelt episode, if only the other episodes was as good!

Overall: 8/10

More Kuon goodness please!


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