Glass Mask - 08
Maya has more fans than she can shake a fist at! More lack of Ayumi as well! What are they thinking? ;)
Maya is back to school and drooling over her self-made bookmark! She wonders who her first fan could be, though when her brain gets back to reality - things are not looking good for the Tsukikage Theatre. First of all, ye olde Tsukikage takes a strain of bird flu..I mean takes a heart attack and rests up in the hospital, but not while some tabloid newspapers are spreading false rumours! Some of her students even go as far to quitting the drama school, as the rumours are too much for them. Not our Maya of course, she sticks around while Men In Black barge into the school demanding some $$$. Overhearing the threats, it seems the Tsukikage school is in debt and need to at least come third place in the next upcoming drama competition. Tsukikage of course never backs down from a good fight, and after exchanging some blows with slimy Masumi - Maya's fine image of Masumi is smashed into fine pieces. Yet she does not know that he is her first fan. Oh noes! The drama!
Meanwhile, Sakurakouji (the 'boyfriendo!') seems to be hopelessly devoted to Maya and chickens out how he really feels about her during their cheesy boat ride. At least Maya has taste! We all know by now, the good guys always lose. ;)
The next play Maya needs to perform is called 'Growing Up' and it is crucial that she plays her lead character to the best of her ability. Naturally, I think the play has some reference between her relationship with Sakurakouji - but fear not - the drama will triumph! In the rival company Ayumi (FTW!) and Boyfriendo take the leads for the exact same play! The tension! The build up! I feel like taking a heart attack too like Tsukikage (and not laugh)!
Overall: 7.5/10
Glass Mask continues to build up the emotions and maintain it's excellence. I want the OST n0w! :o
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