Sol Bianca - Parts 1 & 2
Take five all-female space pirates, a postage stamp plot and lots and lots of mindless action. What you get, is something like Sol Bianca with a hint of Silent Mobius/Bubblegum Crisis thrown in for good measure! Let the fun commence!
Age Rating: 15+
Company: Kiseki
Genre: Sci-Fi, Action
Running Time: Approx 100 mins
Region: 0

A 1337 spaceship named the 'Sol Bianca' has five female crew members. They are 'sisters' and are named after months of the year (Where is March? :x) Despite their very different personalities, they have one common goal - to find treasure! So who are these sisters?
Janny - Ultra butch and ultra hot tempered to boot! Likes nothing better than shooting people down and argues with June quite a bit.
Feb - The elegant and classy one. She also happens to be the controlled leader who likes to drink wine, which on the other hand seems to be out of control!
April - Level-headed and also sort of butch, she takes care of the others. Usually seen shooting down people with Janny.
May - The obligatory loli! Who is good with machinery.
June - The most intelligent - which isn't too hard! She acts like a spoiled princess but of course she is my favourite. ;)

Sol Bianca is split up into 2 OVA parts which have different situations. In Sol Bianca 1, a boy named Rim sneaks aboard the space pirate ship and encounters the 'scary' 5 sisters! Immediately, Janny and April throw him into an airlock and demands him to 'fess up! Their harsh tactics seem to work as he pleads with them to save his parents - who are locked up on the planet they are on. They almost brush him off, until Feb picks up the word treasure. And so Janny, April and June try and infiltrate the dictator's base for treasure, then parents! Unfortunately for them, they get captured almost the second they tread into the base and get locked up. Of course, this is girl power and over the top no less!. The girls won't be held down for long!
They wait until June gets almost beheaded (lol) and then from Outer Space, Feb takes out a HUGE sniper gun (funnily enough without a wine glass attached to her hand) and yes - saves them in the nick of time. Janny and April grab guns and shoot their way out of the place! FTW!

Rim's parents are still on the planet however and they still don't have any treasure! While June and Janny argue as usual, Feb sips on wine and comes up with a plan. Why don't they just go in - the straight forward way? I mean, why didn't they do this before? So once again they all go down to get treasure and save parents! The evil dictator won't have any of it and demands for them to get killed. But this is Sol Bianca remember, not even an army can stop Janny and April with guns going! May jumps into her mecha and has fun killing people as well!
Finally, the day is saved! The sisters get their treasure and Rim's parents are saved. They say goodbye and Rim wishes he was a lesbian space pirate as well! Aww ;)

The second OVA episode is basically the same but with more blood/gore/nudity and some character development? *gasp*
Janny, Feb and April are on an undercover mission (dressed up too!) to get thier hands on some priceless substance called Pasha. There's another evil type on board and when they are close to setting a deal - the bad guys go all out and start shooting! KABOOM!
Meanwhile, June (looking so cool as usual) and May are having fun looking at Janny's old photos. They are in awe of how pretty she used to be, but being on board the Sol Bianca changes you into a psychotic lesbian! Back to the other group - they are running around in their underwear to escape - Janny does one better and goes topless too. :o After what seems like an eternity they finally exit back to the Sol Bianca.

Janny puts on some clothes and sees that her photos have been tampered with. She starts arguing with June and gives her a slap! The drama! But June collapses! Oh noes! There is a virus onboard the Sol Bianca and June is infected! Feb and April need to find something to cure her with - because June is not human. She is like the Lain of Sol Bianca and is directly connected (brain-wise) to the ship.
After lots of shooting and running later, Feb and April encounter a man (who looks like a male version of April) with his own 'June'! But by that time, Janny rescues June from certain death and then the OVA ends with LOTS of loose ends! Apparently Sol Bianca was supposed to have 4 OVA parts but ended up having two instead. You can tell by the ending of the second OVA that there was supposed to be moar!!11

Despite being made in 1990, it was well done - although the picture itself was video quality. It is also hard-subbed which means that you can't disable the subtitles and therefore you can guess that this has no dub. Shame really, but the Japanese VA was good! Extras wise, there are information on the VAs and the Sol Bianca series itself. Nothing great, but better than nothing.
It was suprisingly better than what I thought it would be. The characters are distinctly different and extremely well drawn. I love the style!
Overall: 7.5/10
Sol Bianca would have got a better score if there was more OVA episodes and more plot without the loose ends! ;) June FTW!

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