Refreshingly Honest.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Gokujou Seitokai - 18

Another long awaited Gokujou Seitokai episode, which ended up being rather 'meh'. It certainly wasn't the worst anime episode I have ever seen (that goes to the insanely boring Honey & Clover) but the previous episode filler was superior in every way!

Her MAN. Don't touch!Up close he doesn't look that special to me!

The rival/friendly teachers (there only seems to be two!) of the Goujou Seitokai Gauken have a little tiff over a man. Yukimi gushes over her super-duper wealthy husband to be, while her 'old maid' of a friend Wakana, made a promise that they'd catch a man each together! But however to Wakana's surprise, Yukimi's boyfriend was her junior at school!
He admits having a crush on her and then Yukimi walks in on them both - uncertainty arises! In typical Gokujou Seitokai style, nothing is ever what it seems. Alcholic Wakana appears to have the 'hands of God' ala BlackJack and can even cure cancer apparently! How 1337!

Txt me l8er, gorgeous!My man is better than your man! :o!

This was a very average episode indeed, the only funny part was drunken Wakana going all 'paya-paya' with Cindy!

Overall: 5/10

More Paya-Paya please! :D


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